Official 2020 Congressional District Census

This is the largest Congressional District Census our party has ever taken for Presidential election. Your completion of this census is essential to our ability to develop a winning strategy. We are less than NINE MONTHS away from the most important election in American history. Complete the Official 2020 Congressional District Census to make sure […]

Twice the opportunity of a lifetime

Everyone who enters before MIDNIGHT will have their name entered TWICE for this special sweepstakes. My team will cover all the costs for you and a friend to fly in, join us for dinner, and take a picture together. Please contribute $25 to get your name DOUBLE-ENTERED to win.

Gun Safety

LIMITED EDITION: We’re giving away 1000 gun safety buttons. Want one? Just click, enter your info and show your support for a candidate who will get it done for America.

Demand action

PROTECT OBAMACARE. Trump’s healthcare plan is terrible. If you agree, add your name to Mike’s official healthcare petition now. Next week, California voters will decide which candidate will take on Trump in November. It’s up to us to make sure that candidate is @MikeBloomberg. Take action today to defeat Trump and Get Out the Vote […]