Thank you India

Thank you for all your contributions to our culture and traditions that have made to the United States. Americans are eager to strengthen the ties between our two people. Our economy has never been better, and the United States is eager to build a strong partnership with India. Indians and Americans are always striving to […]

Let’s plan for a better planet

Climate change is a very real and very dangerous reality that we must address. Add your name to make climate policies a priority. Trump thinks ignoring climate change will make it go away. Mike knows ignoring it will make us cease to exist. Add your name to support a leader that supports you.

Trump South Carolina

South Carolina: President Trump is having a rally FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH AT 7PM & he wants you there! Get your free tickets now >>> I’m having a HUGE rally in North Charleston, SC on Friday, February 28th at 7PM! I’d love to see you there! Get your free tickets here. Get Your Tickets NOW! HUGE […]

Broken Promises

Under President Trump, the national debt ballooned, and our health care coverage has been at risk. Donald Trump has made plenty of broken promises. Now it’s time for a change. Can we afford four more years of broken promises? It’s time for a change.

Mainstream Media

The mainstream media have never been more dishonest than they are today. Stories have been reported that have absolutely no basis in fact. They have no boundaries or principles. They only seek to undermine and insult anyone associated with my administration and our great movement. That’s why I need you to FIGHT BACK and hold […]

Voting For Bernie?

Can you take two minutes to let us know if you’re planning to vote for Bernie? As more and more states head to the polls, this is one of the most important things you can do to help us win. If we can win in Nevada in just a few days we will put ourselves […]

Trump Corruption Exposed

President Trump’s company was just caught charging his own Secret Service an exorbitant amount of money – up to $650 A NIGHT – to stay at Trump properties, and $17,000 a month to use Trump’s golf resort. That money comes from us, the taxpayers. Once again, Trump is corruptly using the presidency to pad his […]