Bernie Support

I have to ask: can you sign your name to show you support our campaign for president? Every person on our side helps us prove we are building a movement that will not only beat Trump, but also transform this country.

Lamestream Media

It’s obvious that the Fake News is trying to RIG the Election against Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. They’re using the Crooked DNC to do everything they can to make sure Bernie is NOT the Democratic Nominee. President Trump knows that the Lamestream media will NEVER accurately report his standing in the polls against these […]

Trump Media Accountability Survey

We need to let the mainstream media know that we are FINISHED putting up with their constant lies and attacks. The duty of the media is to accurately inform the public, and our current national media has COMPLETELY FAILED in that regard.

Show You Support Bernie

I have to ask: can you sign your name to show you support our campaign for president? Every person on our side helps us prove we are building a movement that will not only beat Trump, but also transform this country. Right now, we have the momentum to win this whole damn thing, but it […]

Your Response Needed

President Trump wants your input on our Official Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh Approval Poll. Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh are true constitutionalists and have been OUTSTANDING since the day they were confirmed – it’s driving Cryin’ Chuck mad. President Trump has never cared what the Deranged Democrats think about his decisions as YOUR President, […]

Sunday Debate

Can you make a donation to stand with Bernie before Sunday’s debate? This debate is our single most important opportunity to prove that we are the best campaign to beat Trump and transform our country. Which means we must take the stage with a number of grassroots donations that will shock the corporate media and […]

Only Biden Can Beat Trump

Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States. After big wins in states across the country, it’s more clear than ever that our campaign is the best chance we have to defeat Donald Trump – and that work starts right now. Trump’s campaign and the RNC have raised […]

Amy Klobuchar endorses Joe Biden

BREAKING: AMY KLOBUCHAR ENDORSES JOE BIDEN. Amy Klobuchar is leading the wave of Democrats joining our campaign because she agrees: Joe Biden is our best chance to get Donald Trump out of the White House this November. After decisive victories across the country on Super Tuesday and more than 70 nationwide polls that show Joe […]