We cannot take four more years of this chaos.
We must do everything in our power to defeat Trump this November, but he and the RNC have raised a staggering $740 MILLION to power his reelection, so it’s going to take every ounce of support from people like you to defeat him and set our country on a new path. Please, will you donate right now to help us hit our goal and defeat Trump and the RNC?
Did you know that Donald Trump can say anything he wants on Facebook — and pay to ensure that his wild claims reach millions of voters? And now, SuperPACs and other dark money groups are following his example.
Trump and his allies have used Facebook to spread misleading information about voting – spreading falsehoods about how to vote and questioning the legitimacy of our democratic process.
Meanwhile, Facebook has not taken action even when the content puts our very democracy at risk. That’s why we’re releasing an open letter to Facebook, calling on the company to change its policies. Will you be one of the 286 more supporters we need to add your name today?