Visit the Official Trump Store today to purchase the only OFFICIAL Trump-Pence 2020 Playing cards. You don’t want to miss these!

Recent online advertisements for the presidency of the U.S.A.
Visit the Official Trump Store today to purchase the only OFFICIAL Trump-Pence 2020 Playing cards. You don’t want to miss these!
Join Catholics for Trump ONLINE #CatholicsForTrump
Text CATHOLIC to 88022
Team Trump just had a very important fundraising meeting to go over our End-of Quarter results. We decided to extend our QUADRUPLE MATCH deadline for Patriots, like YOU. This offer is only available for the next HOUR, so you need to act NOW. President Trump is counting on you.
YOU’VE BEEN SELECTED | BEFORE MIDNIGHT: After all of Trump’s lies, corruption and reckless behavior, more than 40% of Americans still approve of him as president. You’ve been selected to let us know where you stand – and we’re 98% of the way to our response goal, but time is running out. Let us know now: Do you approve of Donald Trump?
Mini Mike Bloomberg just donated $18 MILLION dollars to the Democratic National Committee. He’s tried to buy the election once, and failed. Now, he’s trying to do it again by throwing a massive amount of money behind the DNC. It’s pathetic.
I’m proud of our grassroots campaign made up of hardworking Patriots, like YOU, who are the backbone of our movement. This election is about Liberal Mega Donors vs. the American people, and we must come together to keep pace with the DNC and the rest of their elitist donors.
We find our strength in numbers, which is why I am calling on EVERY Patriot to step up and contribute what they can. Donate TODAY!
I was sworn into the United States Senate next to a hospital bed. My wife and daughter had been killed in a car crash, and lying in that bed were my two surviving little boys. I can’t imagine what it would have been like if we didn’t have the health care they needed.
Now, over 40 years later, Donald Trump is trying to rip health care away from millions of Americans – and I won’t stand for it. This fight is personal to me, but I want to know where you stand before midnight tonight. Let me know now: Should we protect Obamacare?
If you sign up to become a Trump Text Member, you will become one of the President’s most trusted advisers. You’ll also have access to EXCLUSIVE updates and content from the campaign BEFORE ANYONE ELSE.
To stay up to date on all of our efforts to Keep America Great, please sign up TODAY to become an Official Trump Text member.
Trump Text Members are one of the most important groups this election year:
✅Receive updates from the campaign before anyone
✅Receive exclusive content
✅Become one of the President’s most trusted advisers
Sign up now!
Walk your dog in style with the EXCLUSIVE Trump Pence Keep America Great Dog Collar.
Shop NOW while supplies last!
JUST RELEASED: The Official ‘Cops for Trump’ Hat!
Make a statement about YOUR support for President Trump in 2020
with the OFFICIAL ‘Cops for Trump’ Hat.
SHOP NOW while supplies last!
President Trump has been named your 2020 Presumptive Nominee for President of the United States.
We want to send him a congratulatory card with over 1 MILLION signatures from Patriots all across the Nation.