Join the Team That Will Defeat Trump!

Pete Buttigieg is all in for Joe Biden. Amy Klobuchar is all in for Joe Biden. Beto O’Rourke is all in for Joe Biden. A wave of Democrats across the country know that only Biden can beat Trump. Are you with them?

It’s going to take every ounce of grassroots support to take back the White House in November. That’s why we need 723 more people to join Team Joe before 11:59 p.m. tonight, but we don’t see your name. Sign up now to join the team that will defeat Trump this November.

2020 Super Tuesday Exit Poll

The Lamestream media conducted their partisan exit polls and spoke at length about about the results of the Democratic primaries. We all know they are pro-socialism and totally biased against President Trump. We can’t trust what the Fake News media says, and we’re not about to start now. We are launching the Official Trump 2020 Super Tuesday Exit Poll, and President Trump wants to hear YOUR response. Please take our Official Trump 2020 Super Tuesday Exit Poll in the NEXT HOUR to make sure President Trump sees your response.

Only Biden Can Beat Trump

Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

After we won across the country on Super Tuesday, it’s more clear than ever that our campaign is the best chance we have to defeat Donald Trump – and that work starts right now.

Trump’s campaign and the RNC have raised nearly $500 million to power his reelection, so we need every single dollar we can get if we’re going to stop him, unite this country and take back the White House. We need to raise another $1,027 before midnight, and we’re counting on you to give right now to help us close our fundraising gap and defeat Donald Trump in November!

Join Pete and Joe

Pete Buttigieg just endorsed Joe Biden for President because it’s more clear than ever: Joe Biden is our best chance at beating Donald Trump in November.

But in this critical final push of the primary, Bernie outraised us 2 to 1 last month and is outspending us in key states. If we’re going to make sure that Joe Biden is on the ballot to defeat Trump in November, we URGENTLY need to close our $1,027 fundraising gap before midnight tonight – but we can’t do that without your immediate support: Will you rush a donation now to make sure Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump in November?

Come to LA & Meet Melania Trump

UPDATE: Melania Trump has canceled her fundraiser because of a scheduling conflict.

The First Lady has never done a dinner sweepstake before, but now we’re offering YOU the chance to have dinner with her in Beverly Hills on March 18th. Our team will cover the cost of your flight, hotel, and meal for you and a guest of your choosing. I’d hate for you to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so be sure to enter TODAY! Enter today for your chance to win dinner with the First Lady.

Elizabeth Warren needs your support now more than ever

It’s up to you to pick the best leader for this moment. The last time our markets crashed in 2008, President Obama called on Elizabeth Warren to help lead us out of a broken economy. She set up the CFPB, which has now returned $12 billion to consumers — and she’ll keep fighting for us as president. 

The field of Democratic candidates is getting smaller and smaller. Moderates are consolidating their supporters to try and beat out progressive ideas. And a billionaire continues to throw money at this race despite his disqualifying, misogynistic past.

But Elizabeth knows that this country needs big, structural change. She’s got the progressive ideas and the progressive plans to get them done. But she can’t do it alone. Chip in $2, $20, or whatever you can spare to help her remain competitive in this race.

It’s up to you to pick the best leader for this moment. The last time our markets crashed in 2008, President Obama called on Elizabeth Warren to help lead us out of a broken economy. She set up the CFPB, which has now returned $12 billion to consumers — and she’ll keep fighting for us as president. Click here to learn more.

The establishment is trying to stop us

Please make a contribution to help us say to the billionaire class: sorry, we are not going to let you buy this election. They have made their mission clear: they don’t care who wins as long as it’s not us. But if we stand together and keep fighting, I have no doubt in my mind that we will not only defeat them, but we will defeat Donald Trump and transform this country.

We are in the fight of our lives. All across the country, the wealthy and powerful are rallying their resources to beat us. It has never — and I mean never — been more important for our movement to step up and push this campaign across the finish line in first.

Can I count on you to make a contribution right now, to ensure we have the resources to fight back and WIN in several states that are voting soon?

The next two weeks are without question THE most important of the campaign. There are several more big states that vote soon, and there are more super PACs than ever spending big to stop us, including one that just dropped $4 million in ads attacking us. The only way that we will be able to maintain our lead and WIN is by collecting lots and lots of donations right now.

Donate Now to Help Us Beat Trump

Our campaign has all the momentum right now, and Democrats across the country are lining up behind Joe Biden. But time is running out to secure the nomination, and Bernie Sanders is outraising AND outspending us in key states.

More than 70 national polls have shown us leading Trump, and we know Joe is the best chance we have to win the White House. But our fundraising needs to pick up right now if we’re going to beat Bernie first.

We URGENTLY need to close our $1,027 fundraising gap before midnight tonight if we’re going to carry this momentum forward and secure the nomination. In this critical final push, every dollar matters more than ever: Will you donate now to make sure Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump in November?

Joe has the best shot to take on Trump, but we got outraised by some of our top Democratic opponents last quarter, and now a recent poll shows Bernie Sanders leading us by ONE POINT.

Mike Bloomberg on Super Tuesday

No matter how many delegates we win tonight, we have done something no one else thought was possible. In just three months, we’ve gone from 1% of the polls to being a contender for the Democratic nomination for president.

Trump Disrespects Our Troops

1.3 million active duty soilders are prepared to risk their lives at any moment to protect our country.

These heroes are commanded by someone who calls his generals “a bunch of dopes and babies.”

No one deserves more respect than members of the US military. Trump crossed a line when he disrespected their service.

Donald Trump disrespects our military at every turn. He’s said:

🤦”I’m the only one that matters.”

😨”He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

Unacceptable. It’s time for a change.