Trump Sweepstakes

My team has put together this special sweepstakes for you and a friend to fly in, join us for dinner, and take a picture together. All it takes is any contribution before the deadline to be automatically entered for this once-in-a-lifetime chance. I’m excited to meet the lucky winner and a top supporter like you. So don’t miss your chance.

Everyone who enters before MIDNIGHT will have their name entered TWICE to win dinner with me in Palm Beach, FL. My team will cover your flight, hotel room, and dinner for you and a guest. We’ll even take a picture together. Please contribute before 11:59 PM TONIGHT to get your name DOUBLE-ENTERED to win dinner with me.

Do The Hard Things First

In business and in government, the best time to tackle tough issues is right away. The longer you wait, the tougher they get.

People elect leaders or appoint CEOs to fix big problems and get big things done.

When I won re-election, it was in no small part because enough time had elapsed for people to see the results of the tougher decisions: a safer and healthier city, with better services, more jobs, and a stronger economy.

Build A Great Team

Building a strong team doesn’t guarantee success. But it gives you your best shot at it.

I learned from my time in business that the single most important element of success is assembling the strongest possible team: smart, driven, creative, and effective managers who are capable of building out their own strong teams.

Success doesn’t begin with strategic plans of policies. If begins with people – in both the public and private sectors.

All In Economy

Trump’s claims about economic growth are a disgrace. Mike has a plan to bring justice to the industries and communities that Trump has violated. Add your name to learn more about Mike’s “All-In Economy” now.

Trump Corruption Exposed

President Trump’s company was just caught charging his own Secret Service an exorbitant amount of money – up to $650 A NIGHT – to stay at Trump properties, and $17,000 a month to use Trump’s golf resort. That money comes from us, the taxpayers. Once again, Trump is corruptly using the presidency to pad his own family’s pockets.

Cancel Trump

A day after giving the most divisive State of the Union in history, Trump’s back on TV spouting more lies and hate. But Americans are tuning out. We’re sick of the endless hate and corruption. We need a leader who will focus on America, not himself. 

Second Amendment

Our Constitutional rights are under attack. Radical Socialists want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens and trample over our right to self-defense. Not under my watch. I will ALWAYS defend your Second Amendment rights. Add your name to the Official Second Amendment Defense Petition today. My team is showing me the list of all the Patriots who sign by 11:59 TONIGHT.