Make Space Great Again

Support President Trump’s commitment to NASA and our astronauts who travelled in to space on a U.S. rocket for the FIRST TIME since 2011. 

Shop our Make Space Great Again Hat today!

Send This Powerful Message

Since we called on 1 million Americans to take a stand against Donald Trump, we’ve received an unprecedented level of response – so we’ve increased our goal to 2.5 million signatures.

We’re counting on your help to send a powerful message to this president that we’ve had enough of his hatred, division and calls for violence, but we don’t see your name yet. Sign your name now to say loud and clear: I condemn Donald Trump!

Fight For Justice And Equality For All Americans

EVERY American deserves equal treatment.

President Trump delivered on his promises to:

✅Sign the FIRST MAJOR reform to our criminal justice system in over a decade
✅Secure RECORD FUNDING for historically Black Colleges and Universities
✅Create OVER 9,000 opportunity zones

And he is just getting started!

Condem Trump

Enough calls for violence. Enough incendiary tweets. We need real leadership, and we need it now. But we know that Donald Trump won’t deliver anything more than Twitter tantrums and self-serving photos that require unleashing tear-gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protestors to get.

If you want to take a stand against Trump and his violent, hate-fueled agenda, become one of the 1 million Americans we need to say loud and clear: I condemn Donald Trump.

As Trump fans the flames of white supremacy and hatred in our country, every last one of us shares a responsibility to stand up and pursue justice with every ounce of our being. That’s why we need 1 million Americans to speak out before 11:59 p.m. tonight, but we’re still missing your response. Sign your name now to condemn Donald Trump!

This Must End

Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem. They are DESTROYING our cities and rioting – it’s absolute madness.

It’s important that EVERY American comes together at a time like this to send a united message that we will not stand for their radical actions any longer. We’re calling on YOU to make a public statement and add your name to stand with President Trump against ANTIFA.

Please contribute IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization.

Leadership Matters

It’s clearer than ever: we need strong, compassionate leadership in the White House. With the very soul of America at stake, we must take action, pursue justice, and defeat Donald Trump. We can’t afford another four years of his hateful, divisive, and dangerous words and actions.

With your support, we can pursue justice and restore leadership to the White House. Will you join us in the fight to elect Joe Biden?

Veterans For Trump

WE NEED YOUR INPUT. Respond now to our Official Veterans for Trump Priorities Survey.

President Trump has never stopped delivering on his promises to:

✅Sign the VA Mission Act to improve veterans ACCESS to healthcare
✅Prioritize putting an end to “ENDLESS WARS”
✅Sign a bill to phase out the use of military burn pits to PROTECT the health of future servicemembers
✅Improve the TRANSITIONS of our service members to civilian life
✅Put America first with EVERY decision he makes

Our country is facing an unprecedented time right now, but thanks to President Trump’s leadership, we will prevail!

He truly loves this country, and he knows you do too. The US is at its strongest when we come together as one, and we have done just that.

The Fake News Will Try And Stop It

My team just launched a brand new ad to FIGHT BACK against their biased coverage and show all the great work we’ve been doing. The Left will do whatever it takes to keep us quiet, which is why we set up our Official Trump Ad Blitz Fund to make sure EVERY Patriot gets the chance to hear the FACTS.

With your help, I want to raise $3,000,000 in the NEXT 24 HOURS to send a strong message and FLOOD THE AIRWAVES with this ad.

Getting this ad to the public is critical. That’s why the next 1,000 donations will be instantly TRIPLE-MATCHED. DONATE NOW!