1 DAY EXTENSION: Hop on over to the OFFICIAL Trump Store to celebrate Easter and treat yourself or some bunny special to this egg-straordinary offer: 20% off ALL merchandise using code Easter20. Shop now for access to this exclusive deal.

Recent online advertisements for the presidency of the U.S.A.
1 DAY EXTENSION: Hop on over to the OFFICIAL Trump Store to celebrate Easter and treat yourself or some bunny special to this egg-straordinary offer: 20% off ALL merchandise using code Easter20. Shop now for access to this exclusive deal.
Democrats are TOTALLY out of touch with the American people.
Take the Official Socialism Approval Poll to let President Trump know what you think of Democrats’ SOCIALIST agenda.
-Nombrado dos jueces pro-vida de la Corte Suprema y nombró a 193 jueces para las cortes federales
-Luchado por libertad religiosa y ha asegurado la igualdad de trato de todas las religiones.
-El Presidente ha promovido la elección de atención médica para TODOS ¡Muestre su apoyo para!
It’s going to take every single one of us, and I mean everyone, coming together and joining in this fight. So, whether you’ve been with me since last April or you’re joining my team today, I’m so grateful to have you.
Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. But the fight to take on Donald Trump is just getting started. We need to make sure we have the resources to compete with Trump and his massive war chest. We’ve relied on support from grassroots donors like you throughout this campaign, and we’ll continue to depend on your support from now until November.
Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or this is your first day on Team Joe, will you make an investment in our campaign to defeat Donald Trump today? Anything you can give would mean the world in this moment.
I know you’re in this fight one hundred percent, but I’ll need your help to make this the fight of Trump’s life. Will you pitch in to ensure our campaign has the resources to win?
This beautiful hat will go to a Patriot who has demonstrated their unwavering support for President Trump heading into November, and he can’t think of anyone who is more deserving of it than YOU.
All you have to do is ENTER by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to win this Keep America Great Hat hand-signed by President Trump.
The FAKE NEWS media are so blinded by their anti-Trump agenda that they have decided to completely disregard FACTS and instead choose to continue peddling their lies and conspiracy theories.
It’s up to Patriotic Americans like YOU to hold them accountable.
Please take the Official Mainstream Media Accountability Survey TODAY to let the FAKE NEWS know that we won’t stand for their blatant lies.
WATCH NOW: Team Trump Online with Lara Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders! #TeamTrump
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WATCH NOW: War Room Weekly! with Katrina Pierson, Mercedes Schlapp, and Tim Murtaugh. #WarRoomWeekly
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YOU’VE BEEN SELECTED | 11:59 P.M. DEADLINE: Trump’s shameful actions made him the third president in our country’s history to be impeached, but more than 45% of Americans still approve of him as president. You’ve been selected to let us know where you stand, and we’re 98% of the way to our response goal – but we’re still waiting to hear from you. Let us know now: Do YOU approve of Donald Trump?
WATCH: American Heroes Online! Featuring heroes from across the country!
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