Please make a contribution to help us say to the billionaire class: sorry, we are not going to let you buy this election. They have made their mission clear: they don’t care who wins as long as it’s not us. But if we stand together and keep fighting, I have no doubt in my mind that we will not only defeat them, but we will defeat Donald Trump and transform this country.
We are in the fight of our lives. All across the country, the wealthy and powerful are rallying their resources to beat us. It has never — and I mean never — been more important for our movement to step up and push this campaign across the finish line in first.
Can I count on you to make a contribution right now, to ensure we have the resources to fight back and WIN in several states that are voting soon?
The next two weeks are without question THE most important of the campaign. There are several more big states that vote soon, and there are more super PACs than ever spending big to stop us, including one that just dropped $4 million in ads attacking us. The only way that we will be able to maintain our lead and WIN is by collecting lots and lots of donations right now.