I am asking once again for your financial support. In a matter of hours, we should have the results from the six states that are voting today. And in the week that follows, we not only have a debate, but four more states vote as well. That means the short time ahead of us is enormously important for the future of our campaign, our movement, and our ideas. So if you can, please make a donation right now.
We are being outspent by Joe Biden and his two super PACs, and time is running out to catch up. Can you rush a contribution to our campaign to help us win in the 6 states that vote TODAY?
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to make a donation to our campaign, now is the time. Joe Biden’s campaign announced they’ve already raised more than $20 million this month. And his super PACs are spending millions more to try to defeat us in states that vote TODAY and next week — including by running attack ads against us. If we want a shot at winning, we cannot afford to fall too far behind.